Waiting till everything all figured out? No, that will be an endless wait!


Some of us may have the ability to see around corners. But, that still is a corner. On a long winding drive, you would be able to see only till your headlights allow you and you keep figuring out as you continue on the path and keep discovering milestones, places, opportunities. You just can’t wait for everything to be figured out before you embark.


If we were to compare that situation to a movie, once everything is figured out( the default Set-Up | Conflict | Resolution model that most movies follow), that is when the credits begin to roll. Post the resolution or climax in cinematic language. Life is like a movie- we figure out things as we go along, not having a drawing board that has sketched out our paths.

A few steps at a time. Some have even gone to the extent of fixing the parachute on the way down. Uncertainty is where it all kicks off. That is the conduit to continuous evolution and expansion. There is no bound script to refer to which tells us what comes next. All the world is a stage and you write the lines that you want to tell the world.


Starting before you are ready is the best time to start. Lets us remember that we human beings are rough drafts that continually mistake ourselves for the final story, then gasp as the plot changes on the page of living.



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