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There is a preamble and a constitution. That is the linear sequence. Every sovereign nation has it and that which is considered the highest law of the land. The preamble sets the stage for the constitution . It clearly communicates the intentions of the framers and the purpose of the document. The preamble is an introduction to the highest law of the land; it is not the law.


So, what am i getting at? Yours truly is guilty of beginning emails or any communication with courtesy lines like asking ” hope all well ” and a ” good morning ” wish. Before I get to the core of my agenda, I am looking at building a base. I realised that cutting to the chase is a better option.


You are making a presentation and begin with reading the room, exchanging pleasantries, clearing your throat, trying to get people’s attention and all of that. Time and attention starved people are not wanting any of that. They are there to hear or see your best part. So, get to the meat of the matter. Let the rubber hit the road.


In a day and age where everyone knows about everyone(atleast in the digital realm), your link or story or note or preamble has reached your potential audience well before you have. So, standing on ceremonies is passe. Wield your microphone and let it all out, and delight the daylights out of your audience.

Swimming is best learned and done at the deep end. The shallow end where your feet is already touching the floor offers you only a false sense of bravado.


Don’t let preparation be a place to hide. Make the things you want to make. Do the things that you want to do. You don’t need to feel ‘ready’- you will figure it along the way.



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